Wasted Honor -

Carl R. ToersBijns is the author of the Wasted Honor Trilogy [Wasted Honor I,II and Gorilla Justice] and his newest book From the Womb to the Tomb, the Tony Lester Story, which is a reflection of his life and his experiences as a correctional officer and a correctional administrator retiring with the rank of deputy warden in the New Mexico and Arizona correctional systems.

Carl also wrote a book on his combat experience in the Kindle book titled - Combat Medic - Men with destiny - A red cross of Valor -

Carl is considered by many a rogue expert in the field of prison security systems since leaving the profession. Carl has been involved in the design of many pilot programs related to mental health treatment, security threat groups, suicide prevention, and maximum custody operational plans including double bunking max inmates and enhancing security for staff. He invites you to read his books so you can understand and grasp the cultural and political implications and influences of these prisons. He deals with the emotions, the stress and anxiety as well as the realities faced working inside a prison. He deals with the occupational risks while elaborating on the psychological impact of both prison worker and prisoner.

His most recent book, Gorilla Justice, is an un-edited raw fictional version of realistic prison experiences and events through the eyes of an anecdotal translation of the inmate’s plight and suffering while enduring the harsh and toxic prison environment including solitary confinement.

Carl has been interviewed by numerous news stations and newspapers in Phoenix regarding the escape from the Kingman prison and other high profile media cases related to wrongful deaths and suicides inside prisons. His insights have been solicited by the ACLU, Amnesty International, and various other legal firms representing solitary confinement cases in California and Arizona. He is currently working on the STG Step Down program at Pelican Bay and has offered his own experience insights with the Center of Constitutional Rights lawyers and interns to establish a core program at the SHU units. He has personally corresponded and written with SHU prisoners to assess the living conditions and how it impacts their long term placement inside these type of units that are similar to those in Arizona Florence Eyman special management unit where Carl was a unit deputy warden for almost two years before his promotion to Deputy Warden of Operations in Safford and Eyman.

He is a strong advocate for the mentally ill and is a board member of David's Hope Inc. a non-profit advocacy group in Phoenix and also serves as a senior advisor for Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council in Chino, California As a subject matter expert and corrections consultant, Carl has provided interviews and spoken on national and international radio talk shows e.g. BBC CBC Lou Show & TV shows as well as the Associated Press.

I use sarcasm, satire, parodies and other means to make you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Zombies Invading our Bodies

Many have heard the telling tales of the Walking Dead and Zombie Apocalypse. These stories of horror makes your flesh crawl right up your body as you imagine those days of past when those you worked with told of tales where they experienced a graveyard nightmare right up to the early morning hours.

Tales that tell of relieve as darkness fades and the sun rises above the Superstition Mountains located just a few miles away from the desolate prison complex hidden in the Sonora desert.  This huge prison complex lies just about an hour away as the crow flies from the sprawling metropolis of Phoenix Arizona. 

Hearing nightly and horrifying stories of freaked out not-so-human creatures killing each other and mutilating those still human makes you want to go down to your local gun store and buy you enough guns and ammo to kill them all. Facing the twilight of day, they will walk wherever they dare. Some will enter your neighborhood located so close to the prison grounds. A fenced off perimeter where the  razor wire divides the darkness and hides the reality of horror and fright so close to home.

Working the graveyard shift makes you vulnerable to those creepers that seek out the living and eat the raw pinkish flesh like a glutton at a sushi bar. Seeking the unnatural will only bring your death and mourning as a human without a gun is no match for the supernatural being that dwell there in those hollow prison walls built to keep men in and strangers out.

Offering strangers that come into the hood a gun to protect themselves form these creatures that roam is the only sanity to the madness that surrounds you. Your instinctual level to survive supersedes the willingness to surrender and fall prey to these flesh-eating non-living things that seek to gorge on unsuspected humans for their nightly meal.

Such are the many cultural tales of the undead walking among the mortals of this Earth. Mutated beings showing up unexpectedly inside circles of society not too far away from where the death house rings a bells each time a human is executed or injected with the yellow and clear poison driven into their veins through tubes and needles designed to take away the pain forever.

Every night when the sun goes down, it is just a matter of time before the zombies show up to feed upon those unprotected and unarmed against their razor sharp teeth and bear-like claws as they mutilate they meals and stuff themselves until the sun comes up and drives them away to the darkness for another day. What are these creatures that lurk out there and what created their being as these zombie like monsters rule the very ground they walk on in a dead and mindless manner?

One must understand how zombies can be formed or created and within the prison grounds there are the exact ingredients necessary for such a mutation to begin and create the zombie population. Zombies are parasitic by nature. They are fairly common and roam many places unnoticed by those that turn out their lights inside their homes and shelters.

Zombies are turned into mindless freaks because of the conditions that exist around the prison grounds that breed toxic waste and excess feces infested materials with a variety of bugs and matter eaten by cats and dogs

Huge black crows that frequent the trash bins and small rodents and varmints that roam freely through the trash containers and storage bins waiting for the weekly haul by the Waste Management trucks to take it away and dump it nearby in another toxic waste ground only five miles out of town but a short enough distance for zombies to walk and invade the neighborhood uninvited and often undetected.

Dragging their dead like limbs down the road these mindless zombie like slaves to blood and flesh seek out those who body temperature is warmer than theirs. Infested with parasites they transfer the carriers from one place to another and harvest their progress during the day as when we are awake they sleep and when we are asleep, they walk.

Devoted to terrify humans they are troublesome and often unpleasantly smelly as they approach the streets under the cover of black and darkness. A two pronged attack that is often unnoticed these zombie do their harm through contamination of foods and the transfer of infections usually left untreated by unaware victims that will fall to their poison as the toxic waste breeds inside their intestines and covert their hearts and body into mindless creatures of doom. Rats and cats and dogs and birds can carry the parasite to wherever it lives whether in a home or a barn, a field or a store. It’s the beginning of the end where the venomous fluids created by these parasites invades and swims inside the blood streams of humans that will fall victim before the end of a two night stand and often less than that.

Intentionally designed to eat the brain and create the mindless status, it is filled with a green liquid that has replaced the red corpuscles in our blood. The transformation is silent and as the parasite takes over the freaking brain swells until it bursts intentionally making a splatter pattern that allows the parasites to seek new hosts as they crawl off the walls. Slowly but effectively they creep into the food and feces of these animals and small household creatures that we so lovingly stroke, pet and kiss without knowing they are infecting our systems with the poison that will kill us before too long. This parasite is programmed to kill us and we don’t even know it.

After all humans and rats, cats, dogs and crows aren’t all that much different. They each have an internal system that we can test for drugs and see how they react under different conditions. Many don’t realize these parasites invade the intestines and live there until its time to kill. One should wonder how many times we have transferred or transplanted a virus or bug infested with this parasite and realize that no matter where they go, you cannot hide from them any longer.