Wasted Honor -

Carl R. ToersBijns is the author of the Wasted Honor Trilogy [Wasted Honor I,II and Gorilla Justice] and his newest book From the Womb to the Tomb, the Tony Lester Story, which is a reflection of his life and his experiences as a correctional officer and a correctional administrator retiring with the rank of deputy warden in the New Mexico and Arizona correctional systems.

Carl also wrote a book on his combat experience in the Kindle book titled - Combat Medic - Men with destiny - A red cross of Valor -

Carl is considered by many a rogue expert in the field of prison security systems since leaving the profession. Carl has been involved in the design of many pilot programs related to mental health treatment, security threat groups, suicide prevention, and maximum custody operational plans including double bunking max inmates and enhancing security for staff. He invites you to read his books so you can understand and grasp the cultural and political implications and influences of these prisons. He deals with the emotions, the stress and anxiety as well as the realities faced working inside a prison. He deals with the occupational risks while elaborating on the psychological impact of both prison worker and prisoner.

His most recent book, Gorilla Justice, is an un-edited raw fictional version of realistic prison experiences and events through the eyes of an anecdotal translation of the inmate’s plight and suffering while enduring the harsh and toxic prison environment including solitary confinement.

Carl has been interviewed by numerous news stations and newspapers in Phoenix regarding the escape from the Kingman prison and other high profile media cases related to wrongful deaths and suicides inside prisons. His insights have been solicited by the ACLU, Amnesty International, and various other legal firms representing solitary confinement cases in California and Arizona. He is currently working on the STG Step Down program at Pelican Bay and has offered his own experience insights with the Center of Constitutional Rights lawyers and interns to establish a core program at the SHU units. He has personally corresponded and written with SHU prisoners to assess the living conditions and how it impacts their long term placement inside these type of units that are similar to those in Arizona Florence Eyman special management unit where Carl was a unit deputy warden for almost two years before his promotion to Deputy Warden of Operations in Safford and Eyman.

He is a strong advocate for the mentally ill and is a board member of David's Hope Inc. a non-profit advocacy group in Phoenix and also serves as a senior advisor for Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council in Chino, California As a subject matter expert and corrections consultant, Carl has provided interviews and spoken on national and international radio talk shows e.g. BBC CBC Lou Show & TV shows as well as the Associated Press.

I use sarcasm, satire, parodies and other means to make you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Tribute to a Man with Uncommon Values

Being a man with a common background and uncommon talents, this man was labeled to be a transformational leader by a former Senate leader and the non-elected governor of the state. It was clear they chose this man for his uncommon values and his eagerness to bid their wishes in the manner best suited for greedy and ambitious businessmen and ranch owners back in the Wild Wild West.  It was these qualities along with many more that attracted the nomination and selection of the man with eight tentacles that reached far beyond any distance some visionary leaders might have thought they would through his persistence, tenacity and absolute power methods.

Implementing those viewpoints of those who selected him as well as his own, this man became a cultural and ideological radical in the way he shaped Arizona’s prison system pleasing those who embrace “mass incarceration” methods to bring heavy-handed righteousness to the criminal justice system. He was most certainly enabled to do this as his goals and vision were carried on the shoulders of greedy and often proliferating prosecutors that piled us a record number of convictions within a very short period of time to fill up our prisons.

It was from the beginning when he spoke convincingly and smoothly to his agency’s employees that he was on their side when he obscured his real “hang men” intentions about changing the prison system in Arizona. Promising fair and ethical hiring, promotional and assignment practices he turned instead to his primary goal. Once the dust settled, it was clear he was hired to increase prison beds and procure additional private prison beds from the corrections corporatists hired by the governor’s staff to embellish the profit sharing methods of privatizing prisons. In the end he made it clear which side he was really working for when hired on to run the Arizona prison system.

A former Abu Ghraib administrator and acting as a hired gun for the politicians, his tentacles reach far and cover the state from east to west and north to south. His justification for doing what he does best, intimidate, control, impose fear and add prison beds, is based on greed and profit making by those who call the shots in the governor’s office and legislative body. He has pleased them well and is assured longevity that will go down in record as one of the longest sitting agency directors in Arizona prison history.

It was oh so clear whose side he was on. He has decimated staff morale and working numbers in the rank and file. He has divided and conquered every aspect of political power or individualism as well as creativity within the agency and instilled fear and intimidation among the troops to ensure silence and complete power as well as dominance.  His radical management style practices deceit, cover ups, malpractice and unconventional politics atop of pure sadistic and mean spirited policy making for both worker and prisoner. How has this man reached out and changed the culture and found global support along the way one must ask. Within a short two year span he reshaped Arizona prison policy to attain complete control over his agency and environment.

His historic achievements include:

  1. Reducing staffing to an all time low with the pretense of streamlining the agency to be more efficient and cost saving to the state resulting in an increase of staff assaults, prison homicides and suicides and “natural deaths” assisting those in power through advocating for more prison related money and future spending.
  2. Eliminated or revised prison work programs to increase idleness and reduce productive achievements in general educational programs, treatment and rehabilitation efforts thereby ensuring a “revolving door” to maintain the growth of the prison system within the state.
  3. Dismantle and replace the state medical and mental health provider systems and replaced with a private contractor to carry out arbitrary medical provisions and requirements related to health care and mental health treatment by mainly eliminating or reducing the number of patients eligible or identified to be provided basic treatment, medication and other expensive costs to reduce the state’s burden on providing medical care and treatment through unaccounted medical practices provided by law.
  4. Expanded the use of private prison beds and added more “medium custody” needs for future acquisitions up to 2016 while ignoring his internal state owned physical plant maintenance repairs creating hazardous and dilapidated physical plan and housing unit structures throughout the state.
  5. Changed the entire scope, size, and impact of agency policies and procedures to ensure complete and arbitrary control of all practices and due process guidelines for both staff and prisoners.
  6. Divided and conquered organized labor unions or groups to ensure complete and unilateral control of negotiations, mediation and resolution conflict management.
  7. Implemented and maintained a close circle of executives at the top of his administration that carry out his vision, his directives and priorities without resistance or question whether it is legal, practical or even a sound correctional practice. These “circles of friends” are comprised of former wardens and administrators from the past who served him well when he was the second in command under Terry Stewart.
  8. Established complete media control over prison related stories, demonized the plight of the prisoners to justify the use of his policies and ignored public sentiment, protests or outcry on future prison expansion and growth causing a tremendous tax burden on Arizona taxpayers at the tune of $ 1.1 billion dollars plus.



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