Wasted Honor -

Carl R. ToersBijns is the author of the Wasted Honor Trilogy [Wasted Honor I,II and Gorilla Justice] and his newest book From the Womb to the Tomb, the Tony Lester Story, which is a reflection of his life and his experiences as a correctional officer and a correctional administrator retiring with the rank of deputy warden in the New Mexico and Arizona correctional systems.

Carl also wrote a book on his combat experience in the Kindle book titled - Combat Medic - Men with destiny - A red cross of Valor -

Carl is considered by many a rogue expert in the field of prison security systems since leaving the profession. Carl has been involved in the design of many pilot programs related to mental health treatment, security threat groups, suicide prevention, and maximum custody operational plans including double bunking max inmates and enhancing security for staff. He invites you to read his books so you can understand and grasp the cultural and political implications and influences of these prisons. He deals with the emotions, the stress and anxiety as well as the realities faced working inside a prison. He deals with the occupational risks while elaborating on the psychological impact of both prison worker and prisoner.

His most recent book, Gorilla Justice, is an un-edited raw fictional version of realistic prison experiences and events through the eyes of an anecdotal translation of the inmate’s plight and suffering while enduring the harsh and toxic prison environment including solitary confinement.

Carl has been interviewed by numerous news stations and newspapers in Phoenix regarding the escape from the Kingman prison and other high profile media cases related to wrongful deaths and suicides inside prisons. His insights have been solicited by the ACLU, Amnesty International, and various other legal firms representing solitary confinement cases in California and Arizona. He is currently working on the STG Step Down program at Pelican Bay and has offered his own experience insights with the Center of Constitutional Rights lawyers and interns to establish a core program at the SHU units. He has personally corresponded and written with SHU prisoners to assess the living conditions and how it impacts their long term placement inside these type of units that are similar to those in Arizona Florence Eyman special management unit where Carl was a unit deputy warden for almost two years before his promotion to Deputy Warden of Operations in Safford and Eyman.

He is a strong advocate for the mentally ill and is a board member of David's Hope Inc. a non-profit advocacy group in Phoenix and also serves as a senior advisor for Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council in Chino, California As a subject matter expert and corrections consultant, Carl has provided interviews and spoken on national and international radio talk shows e.g. BBC CBC Lou Show & TV shows as well as the Associated Press.

I use sarcasm, satire, parodies and other means to make you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Antique Morality

Antique Morality -

The point is hardly befuddled and often misunderstood. What is now a rusty tractor was once a trusty tool that brought food on the table. So now it sits and boring the landscape with its old creaky presence breaking the scenery with its rusty nuts and bolts, rotten out tires and less than elegant symbol.

This tractor is breaking the antique morality lines of the old versus the new and how I interpreted this situation is based on my own inferences and experiences that what once young is now old as I seem to be saying, the younger generation have looser morals than the older ones had when they were young.

Today we are old and stuffy, old-fashioned and not in tune with the spry and wit of today’s children or youth. We are the older generation today but once we were young. We had our turn to make life exciting, we turned up the heat and danced with our own music to our own favorite songs.

My ultimate point is I suppose that everything that is young will turn old and everything that was worth having turns into junk one day. It is worth seeing this change around me.

It makes me feel like it was once important that we existed and made a difference in someone’s life but this is nothing to get worked up over or about – getting old is the price we all pay when we talk about the antiques and morality.

Breaking the Harness Inside Me

Breaking the Hardness Inside


Life in itself is most complex to understand at full face value – there are many hidden factors too hard to comprehend. We have been taught that whatsoever a human being or mortal soul sows is what he or she shall also reap; I believe in karma and at its best, karma has never let me down.

I tried my best to spread the seeds of happiness, compassion and kindness in my own special ways – I am sure I did my best and I doubt I was perfect but they were done nevertheless with love for mankind in mind. I would hope that because I also sowed the seeds of happiness, in return, I would receive the same…………. and waiting.

Still, I remain humble, patient and waiting for the signs that shows a positive progression in my life towards my goal to reach a greatness…………..no, not a personal self-serving greatness but rather, an opportunity that the words I have written will reach someone’s mind enough to change the heart.

In life, I have been a warrior, a soldier, a healer and a teacher; I have walked, crawled and ran in my life to catch my soul.  I sowed the seed given to me and planted what I could in return for better wisdom and finding some royalty in my existence. Sometimes, when the light is dark I forget that what I sow is what I reap yet what I reap is not what I expected.

Only God knows what I need, only God knows what the best is for me. l am helpless against the world when it comes to power. I am helpless against the world when it comes to hate and forgiveness. I have tried them both and although I have been partially successful, there is still some darkness in my heart.

I reap what I sow; I cannot get rid of all the evil inside my heart. My mind works hard to rid its spell cast upon me when I was young and it has festered for many years to harden my veins, my soul and my heart. I want to break the toughness.

I want to show flexibility and pleasure but I cannot win this fight until I surrender my body and soul to the faith and hop that has guided me so far in life. I am trying; I am producing and I pray we all join in and become better in showing our love for each other but yet, we are not yet there.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Dealing with Tele-pressure and FOMO

Dealing with Tele-pressure & FOMO

As a correctional officer or employee, your typical duty day is long enough as it is especially if you are volunteering for overtime or working on special projects. Today’s technology has extended the work day even more so than before, as the organization you work for expects more with less and that puts a big burden on your mind and body. 

One can only imagine the fatigue you feel when you walk through the front door of your home and your cell phone rings or an email catches your eye, and either asks you come back to work or come in early the next day. Drained of energy as you may be, you need to respond to matters brought to your attention. More importantly, the boss expects an immediate response whether you are available or not. 

It is almost impossible to disconnect your relationship from work at home. Technology has attached your mind forever as a lifeline or as long as you carry a Smartphone that delivers your calls and emails 24/7 creating a phenomenon called Tele-pressure (stress). A study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that more than 50% of us check work email before and after work hours, throughout the weekend, and even when we’re sick. Even worse, 44% of us check work email while on vacation.

Mobile phones are rarely turned off. Even while on the charger, it is on. Sometimes, we take the time to silence the ringtone but phone’s power is on.  You and your phone are collaborators in you life – it’s either going to be a positive relationship or a bad one. One of the most obvious signs you are suffering from Tele-pressure is the phenomenon called FOMO. 

Better known as the “Fear Of Missing Out” syndrome, FOMO is a relatively new term associated with today’s high-tech millennial generation which includes those born after 1980 but has grabbed those before this time as well.  These people fear that they’ll miss out of something important, fun and interesting.  FOMO is a powerful force and it correlates to people’s tendency to avoid loss of information in their lives. You can almost call it an addiction as there are many people who rely on their phones too much and too often. 

This constant connection cannot be a good thing if not balanced between your off duty time and your on-duty commitment. Tele-pressure ensures that you are never able to relax and truly disengage from work. This prolonged state of stress is terrible for your health. Besides increasing your risk of heart disease, depression, and obesity, stress decreases your cognitive performance.

In order to deal with the Tele-pressure whether personal or professional, we need to establish clear lines or boundaries between those dynamics that motivate or guide us daily. If we don’t do that, we are subject to fall victim to poor health, extreme stress and anxiety and deprived relationships. 

Whenever you are faced with a busy schedule that intrudes on your life in all directions, you need to prioritize your needs or values and put them in some kind of order so you remain healthy, happy and balanced.

Easier said than done, it is important you take the time to do this is you are to sustain a long and happy relationship and career – those two works hand in hand and need a sound balance in order to get along with each other. Learning how to say no to the boss may not be an option - however, setting you priorities can help you achieve a measurable value to allow a balance between work and play. Set your values in order; don’t give them away without first evaluating what is important and where it is on your continuum of life and the pursuit of happiness. 

Shape your character to fit your values and allot your time spent for those things to be reasonable and necessary in order to remain fit and mentally alert. Taking short cuts can only hurt you in time as stress and other ailing symptoms take time to show up or be detected and often that is a case of being in dire straights and in need of treatment or rest. 

Based on my own evaluation of my service record, I prioritized my life in the following order – physical health, family, mental health wellness, as well as my ethics, contacts, activities. Certainly, there are more activities in your life than those mentioned above and you can add them to the list as you see fit or proper. The key here is to sustain the long hard traveled road and career as well as taking care of yourself and family.

You cannot let bad things sneak up on you, and the way you do that is by keeping a consistent routine. Think about what you need to do to keep yourself active and healthy (taking brisk walks during lunch, skip working weekends, taking your vacations as scheduled making it more remote than ever, etc.), make a plan, and stick to it no matter what. 

If you don’t, you’re allowing your work to overstep its bounds. When your mind is at ease, you naturally feel good, and make it easier to deal with the things around you. What is more important is that your energy is regulated to the point where you are able to respond effectively and within a reasonable amount of time.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Veil of Ignorance - Evolution and Revolution

The Veil of Ignorance - the Evolution of a Sociopolitical Revolution

Part III

Many may recall the original concept of the social contract as a basis for an individual moral foundation created by those principles that were fair and impartial to all it affected. Philosopher John Rawls “calls his conception justice as fairness. His aim in designing the original position is to describe an agreement situation that is fair among all the parties to the hypothetical social contract. He assumes that if the parties to the social contract are fairly situated and take all relevant information into account, then the principles they would agree to be also fair.”

In the original intention, the agreement contained within the social contract would transfer to become mutual principles of agreement that focused on fairness. He (Rawls) proceeded to focus on mutual benefits, opportunities, equality and impartiality of those principles and processes. Remember this was about making the best choices based on the morality of the situation and the need to come up with an ethical and practical solution.

Looking at the different ways to define a fair agreement, one must include relevant facts into consideration that enter into an equal purpose or opportunity for people to benefit from while still benefiting from the fundamental principles of fairness and impartiality. It assumes that what transpires is a mutual agreement that take into consideration societal dynamics that are equal in values and draw or drive those values based on their racial and ethnic group, social class and occupations. Also included and determined to be a factor to remain fair was their wealth or income, their religious and moral beliefs etc.

Thus what we are looking at here are equal levels of social classes, wealth, customs and practices and the fact they are equal and free to engage in such agreements under their social and political systems. This would encompass their natural rights as well as their political jurisdiction to engage in such a beneficial contract. It would also establish the legitimacy according to their constitutional rights and political rights.

Today, we have witness what the biggest problem was with this type of arrangement. One can see how gender, wealth or lack of wealth and the absence of mutual respective religious and cultural beliefs can distort the agreement and deprive one or the other, or both, equal political and social rights to occupy social and political positions of authority or power.

This process of various inequities or having less parity in status, wealth or influence does nothing to impact the right or qualification who can vote but rather, who can hold office. The problem with this arrangement, of course, is that gender and lack of wealth are, like absence of religious belief, not good reasons for depriving people of their equal political rights or opportunities to occupy social and political positions.

These reasons are not morally relevant for deciding who qualifies to vote, hold office, and actively participate in governing and administering society. John Rawls suggests that for such reasons, a “social contract results in this unacceptable outcome is that it transpires (hypothetically) under unfair conditions of a state of nature.

He further writes, “where the parties have complete knowledge of their characteristics and situations—their gender, wealth, social class, talents and skills, religious convictions, etc. Socially powerful and wealthy parties then can rely on knowledge of their “threat advantage” to extract favorable terms from those in less favorable positions. Consequently the parties' judgments are biased by their knowledge of their circumstances and are insufficiently impartial.”

“The remedy for such biases of judgment is to redefine the initial situation. Rather than a state of nature Rawls situates the parties to his social contract so that they do not have access to factual knowledge that can distort their judgments and result in unfair principles.” (Rawls)

Rawls's original position is an initial situation wherein the parties are without information that enables them to tailor principles of justice favorable to their personal circumstances. Since that position is no longer honored or revered like it was before the evolution occurred, we are now engaged in class positioning, wealth status and other political advantages that gives certain people more power and leverage like never before.

No longer a battle of wits, intelligence or equality, conducted on a fair and impartial foundation but rather more on the principles of deprivation of impartialities and fairness in the process chosen. Herein, we can assume the parties involved have lost the moral connection and do not know their conceptions of the good or their will as the principles have been altered to serve a few rather than many.

This in itself created a veil of ignorance which deprives the parties of all knowledge of particular facts about themselves, about one another, and even about their society and its history. Hence the connection to society has been breached or broken and the mutual respect, obligations and needs have been severely fractured.

They know then more about the general tendencies of human behavior and psychological development, about biological evolution, and about how economic markets work, including neo-classical price theory of supply and demand. In the end, a sociopolitical coup de grace has occurred and all agreements based on fairness, impartiality and justice have been tossed out the systems and new rules are applied that benefit the few and ignore the needs or desires of the majority they were supposed to represent or take care of under their agreement to hold public office.

In all reality, there is no veil of darkness or ignorance as no one is ignorant of the facts as they stand or exist. In fact, they know more of all kinds of facts about the other parties, groups or persons and extort those to benefit their own agenda or relative interest in controlling the political process ignoring justice, fairness and impartialities. If a veil really does exist, it is indeed one of ignorance as the truth is hidden or kept in the dark rather than in the open or public spaces.

This struggle was created due to conflicts and gluttonous behaviors driven by greed and lust for more power, influence and control. Ultimately, those with the most money or wealth can rule any entity and impose any regulation they desire as they occupy the chair of authority and make the legislation for others to live or work by as a matter of regulations and laws.

The Veil of Ignorance - Part II - the original position and social contract doctrine evolution

The Veil of Ignorance –

The Original Position and Social Contract Doctrine

Part II

There is no doubt in my mind that the original position on social contracts and social justice had more of a limited role in most models. I know that for certain, it became a doctrine that served as an authority for the legitimacy of sociopolitical power or authority. Once written and explained, many versions popped up with variances that suit the various needs of government as well as social circles around us.

Since a social contract is a non-binding contract and rather based on customs and practices, there was no fear of anything or anyone gaining absolute power that would enforce certain elements of such an understanding. One thing must be explained before we go further and that is to mention the fact that these principles can only be applied to men and women who are equal, free and able to articulate the justice in their societies. Certainly, those who are not equal, free or unable to comprehend would not be able to fully execute these principles in true spirit as violations would be frequent and arbitrarily imposed.

By now, if you followed the writings so far, you can see how a social contract may in fact facilitate a venue or window for assessing existing laws or by-laws and allows these assessments to evaluate their effectiveness or appropriateness to be applied to the citizens who require and demand social order for the common good. Keep in mind the original position of such a contract was to determine and assess the justice of political constitutions which in part impacted various elements of government beginning with the economic, national security and internal social arrangements of a body. What started as a reasonable base for rational conduct or behaviors could be elevated to recognize lawful or unlawful behavior and practices, either for the good of all or for the conduct towards one or another in a court of law.  

Thus we see how the concept of social justice can be expanded to accept larger roles in our lives and in the way we establish law and order. It could be argued that the original position was really never about social justice but merely a social base for justice. To infer to say that justice is predominantly social does not mean that people do not have “natural” moral rights and duties outside society or in non-cooperative circumstances, based purely on relationships and associations.

Again, the goal here was to establish a social interaction and level of cooperation that had reciprocity built into it so that there are mutual gains and reasons for an organized society rather than a loose and irrational capacity to run a lawless or disorderly society, much  like mindless animals do when in a herd, pack or group. Although this category of society may be mindless, they would still remain natural and entitled to basic rights, claims etc. forming conflicts as this undermines the main point of the idea of a state of nature in many views, which is to distinguish their powers and competencies they have prior to joining or belonging to a legitimate membership in society.

Not being members of some society is not an option for us. In so far as we are rational and reasonable beings at all, we have developed as members of a society, within its social framework and institutions. So although the original concept was set forth mainly as a foundation of moral significance, the expansion of the social contract allows an adequate span of control of the state of nature or society as long as it retains an adequate level of impartial judgment and  the equality of persons. In theory, this social contract would benefit all who are free.

I hope you are following this evolution of the social contract into what is evolving into a more complex understanding of principles and moral judgment. What has changed here is the ability to convert a personal sociopolitical idea or theory to of an individual’s ability to regulate himself or his family to a more state-like regulation that includes a political constitution to abide by.

“This constitution regulates rules that are perceived to be fair and impartial in nature but are dedicated to bring about legislation and enforcement of laws and the system of trials for adjudicating disputes; the bases of the economic system, including the norms of property, its transfer and distribution, contractual relations, etc. which are all necessary for economic production, exchange, and consumption; and finally norms that define and regulate permissible forms of the family, which is needed to perpetuate society.” (Rawls)

Thus the roles changed and the power has shifted. Under this social contract, it is the “primary role to apply those principles of justice to specify and assess the system of rules that constitute these basic institutions, and determine the fair distribution of rights, duties, opportunities, powers and positions of office to be realized within them.” (Rawls)

What makes these institutions and their arrangement the first subject for principles of social justice is that they are all necessary to social cooperation and have such profound influences on our circumstances, aims, characters, and future prospects. No society could exist without certain rules of property, contract, and transfer of goods and resources, for they make economic production, trade, and consumption possible. (Rawls)

In concluding this writing, it must be maintained that a social contract is only as good as the fairness and justice provided to be impartial and without biases when principles are executed by men in the name of justice. One can see the perverted impact and negative effects of corruption by men who seek more power and authority in such instances and opportunities. This is the number one problem today in our society. Power, authority, greed and gluttony for more are the base for corporate and individual corruption.

Once we submitted our own authority, ability to control reasoning and provide an extension of such an authority, we essentially signed over all control with the exception of a few basic human rights maintained by law and not society in a whole. Losing leverage of our own decision making process and giving it to the politicians has created chaos and unfortunate crisis in our national health systems, national security, economic base and our demographics related to cultural diversity, customs and practices with many political ramifications rather than justice as it was originally intended at the beginning of forming a binding social contract.

The following works by John Rawls are cited above.

[TJ] A Theory of Justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Revised edition, 1999. The page citations refer first to the 1971 edition first, and the revised edition thereafter, as in (TJ 17/16).

Violating the Sanctity of the home [invasion]

Violating the Sanctity of a Home Invasion

A home is a castle – a place where you can seek refuge and safety from the outside world as its walls and other barriers give you the privacy, peace of mind and intimacy that makes you feel like you can let your guard down and enjoy the tranquility of the moment inside the comforts of your own home. Theoretically, nothing should strip you of these pleasures and joys today but in today’s society, the risks are getting higher you will be victimized sooner or later.

Once you are victimized, there is much to be said about the impacts of a home invasions occurrence that will always remain inside your head. A major step in reducing your risk or anxiety level is to install a burglar alarm system that notifies the police or security company who owns the equipment.

Psychologically, a home invasion is detrimental to your faith in society and mankind. It does, after all is said, strip you bare of your trust in people. Once your protective barriers, physical or psychologically have been broken or breached, there are difficult times ahead to regain the trust and intimacy once achieved in your life before the rude and criminal breach of being tormented and kept hostage inside your own home.

Psychologically, the home is a refuge from the outside world and a family’s niche of privacy and intimacy. Nothing can strip the peace and tranquility that is felt in one’s home better than a home invasion. It has to be the embodiment of terror and fear combined. Once the protective emotional barrier has been breached, the family’s fortress is no longer considered or felt to be a safe haven or sanctuary like before, and the emotional toll taken from the family can have far-reaching consequences.

One has to ask; why me and why my house for this dreadful violation of human decency and vulnerable emotions? Some would say it is your house’s accessibility and visibility that made it a target. Perhaps it was your display of your material possessions tempted or attracted attention for a potential reward by robbing you of your property or many other valuable things.  

Another reason could be your occupancy as to who lives there with you or perhaps yourself as you have allowed your routine and habits to be exposed to become a familiar event to the prospective burglar who allows his own greed to steal from you what you have. Regardless of what you see or what others think, your vulnerability is always high and the price you pay once victimized, impacts your mind in many different ways.

Let’s start of this discussion that once you are burglarized or terrorized inside your own home, the loss is not only in the pocketbook as they carry your possessions away. Home insurance will cover most of your losses but what can’t be recovered is your trust in people and how you survived a potentially lethal situation making your materialistic losses seem less unimportant.

Priority should be in protecting yourself, your family and every occupant inside the house. Steps should be taken daily to ensure no one is harmed and although a home invasion begins as a burglary, many botched attempts have turned fatal where hostages were taken to try to escape from the crime scene and not get caught.
The impact of such a dramatic event inside your home can last forever. Once your emotions have been triggered by such a disgusting and vile offense, your sense of trust will turn into anger, fear, and a gross perception you have been violated in many ways.
It is not uncommon to associate panic, shock, and extreme psychological pain to be a part of an uncontrolled tirade of hateful emotions and ever-lasting post-traumatic stress symptoms at the most medium to severe levels of distrust and rage often associated with

Sadly, whenever such an event takes place, your sense of security is forever impacted as you become fearful in your own environment or setting you once felt secure in. the fact you were vulnerable builds a fear inside you it can happen again and makes you worry more about the future than ever before. Some even turn this fear into an obsession and change their entire lifestyle to address their worries or concerns.

Feeling uneasy inside your own house is natural once you have been violated. The insecurity will always be there it could happen again and worrying about another break-in or worse, makes you a nervous wreck to be around, particularly if staying at home alone is normal or you work late at night and fear another attack on your privacy or that second home invasion.

Home invasions are two pronged. One is the kind where they burglarize you when you are not home and take your possessions but leave behind a mess and signs they violated your personal and private space. The second means, consider the more risky and worst feared, is the kind where someone attacks in your home while you or your family members are there and force their way into the house seeking whatever it is they want to take. Unfortunately, such invasions usually result in physical and sexual assaults, serious bodily harm or homicides. These kinds of events occur much more than we realize.

They could be armed with knives of guns; they could strong arm you and your family by threats and physically assaulting you as you attempt to resist. The methods vary but regardless how it is done, whoever committed this crime is less concerned about your safety and more concerned about their own not to get caught so they instill the most fear they are capable of in this critical period of terror.

This terror is usually spontaneous and can be twisted in many ways. You may be bound, gagged or blindfolded to protect the identity of the invaders. There are many risks involved in such a dreadful scenario and there is no way to prepare yourself for such a tragic event as they have caught you completely off guard when they invaded your home.

Quickly after such an invasion, you become distrustful of all who you don’t know well enough to vouch for and your attention drifts to wondering who committed the crime, becoming suspect of even friends and neighbors. This festering distrust could potentially complicate personal relationships, causing even more stresses for the victim.

Unfortunately most people don’t cope very well after being violated. Wrestling with the psychological after-effects of a home invasion is tough, and some people deal with the anxiety in many different ways. Some let their anger direct them to more extreme methods to protect themselves in the future and focus on augmenting home security measures with steel bars on the doors and windows. Others go as far as selling their house and moving to a new home and neighborhood to regain peace of mind. Sadly the effects of this type of crime can be long lasting and difficult to overcome. It’s not just money and material possessions at stake here; it could result in the loss of a human life.

A social contract? How do you make decisions?

Moral Judgments – a social contract? Part I

In life we have been given two choices by our social standards today – to be a participant in life or become a spectator. One should not need to explain those two options as they are very clearly understood and explained. However, what is not clear is the grey area between the two lines and what decides whether you are a spectator or a participant in any situation or event. This is where you moral judgment comes into play and helps you decide your role in your life and society’s events.

For most people, moral judgments are based on particular requirements in their personal lives or background. Most people make their decisions on their own self-attained moral core values. They inject their parents or siblings views, their religious and political preferences and their own conjectured interest in what is right and wrong. Hence the approval of such moral judgment relies on similarities and common interests rather than facts or truths of the matter.

Using one’s own thoughts, you can see how your particular personal interest adopts and adapts your own ideology and how it carries weight in the ultimate decision making process. One can also see the chance of receiving flawed perceptions and avoid finding the truth thus this process is perpetual and ongoing in life.
These decisions end up being social or sociopolitical decisions. They become in fact, a social agreement or contract in many moral judgments for the future. One might see, almost instantaneously, how such a sociopolitical contract could be flawed and not based on truth but rather, personal opinions and ideas. One could challenge such a moral judgment to be wrong and flawed in most cases regardless how one assesses or justifies the rules or principles of such a process.

This doesn’t mean you toss those ideological positions or proposals aside as they were developed by others who are thinkers and philosophers in trade. Their ideas and thoughts could be mixed in the moral judgment to create your own decision or position as a moral view. Remaining practical and impartial in the matter at hand, you can serve up these rules and make new ones as you explore the elements of truth, logic, common sense and morality of the matter.

A second and also important element of your decision making process is to closely examine whether those original impressions and persons who derived such notions or ideas were impartial in their writings is important as well thus you must challenge all ideas on full face value their concept is sound and impartial to the morality of our own rules. This is where you decide to become a participant or spectator – either you actively or passively choose to participate because your beliefs in the moral judgment or you become a spectator, someone watching from the sidelines and unable or not ready to make a commitment to the value or the idea.

For moral reasoning, the impartiality of such concepts is most important to rely on when drawing the abstract of the concept to believe in or live by in your life. One has to examine their particular interests, whether it is war or peace – life or death and right or wrong based on the moral scale you live by. One cannot replace or substituted these rules for you as your own person, unless you accept them as your own.

Hence you should become a ‘judicious participant or spectator’ to glean the most out of these concepts or ideas. Surely, you can see how you might end up being confused or find different versions of the truth or moral point of view. Here is the point in your decision making process where you examine the design, the desire, and the main feature of such a moral view and determine it against your own.

This is how any reasonable person can deduct their own moral views and draw up a social contract with society with these rules. However, common sense should remain intact to prevent ignorance and there must be a process in place to continue an evaluation or assessment of these values to determine consistency and sustainability of your own views on the matter.

The totality of moral reasoning is most fundamental when the perspective is constantly moral in your wisdom of the values and sensible to live by. Such a position should be based on justice, fairness and tractability and not selfish interest or self-indulgence. That would be overriding the non-moral view and conflicts with your core values and requires an adaptation of your own behaviors or thinking. However, since you have the prerogative right to change your mind, it is an important part of the reasoning process.

The difference for you as a person and a believer is the fact that most wisdom comes from a hypothetical approach or inexperienced event. This original concept is determined to be unproven in your own world and needs to be tested or confirmed. One should not and cannot adopt new or original perspectives without first examining the impact of such moral reasoning.

One has to repeat the process and apply the impartiality clause to determine principle and impact of social and political justice. You cannot simple accept another person’s viewpoint without examining it to be accepted at full face value thus your responsibility lies in the soundness, its socially applied effect and the moral code you live by.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Living in the world and not on it -

Living in this World-
“Most people are on the world, not in it — have no conscious sympathy or relationship to anything about them — undiffused, separate, and rigidly alone like marbles of polished stone, touching but separate.” ― John Muir 
Reading what I get out of what naturalist John Muir wrote, I sense we have all been “on the world not in it.” Living on the world would cause us to be void of those incredible human traits that make us unique and caring about each other. Living like someone whose mere existence on this world would resemble an empty form of humanity, filled with the lack of empathy, guilt, remorse, shame or compassion. In other words, this kind of person is a parasite in nature’s own definition. Certainly, living a life like that is and can be deceitful, immorally dreary and likely such a persona would reflect someone who is unhappy or unfulfilled in his or her personal life. Unconsciously or consciously, one might refer to someone with those types of traits as a sociopath and complete the list of lacking substance or morals making them void of a conscience as well as some well hidden criminal traits. Otherwise known as pretenders, they are great at faking caring for others and use their ‘moral outrage’ as a tool to play victim in various situations. They use the world around them as a tool or scam to give off false impressions and pretending to be a caring or thoughtful person. Sadly, there is little reality in their lives as they focus on doing and saying things mere for the show of it and not sincere at all.
 Living in the world would include character traits or personalities of all those things a sociopath possesses. There would be empathy, sorrow, shame or guilt and this would motivate them to become better and more empathetic rather than a scammer or ‘player’ in most cases. Basically, sociopaths are the chameleons of our society and prey on others to co-exist amongst us so they can profit from us, rather than share or care for others. They are the kind of people who have no conscience and should not be trusted. After all, they would only pretend or act as if nothing had happened if challenged when something went wrong and find an opportunity to play a mind game in some manner or another. They are good at reversing the guilt factor as they themselves do not feel any guilt. 
 Living in the world requires you care and fear about others. Your mind focuses on what others think and how you act or treat them as well as how they treat you without any per-determined conditions or arrangements. A sociopath, on the other hand, manipulates these types of conditions or engagement to further impact their ability to ‘con’ others further than they already have. Their limit of fear is almost zero and their ability to scheme or work against others is higher than the average person.
Living within the world would require a compulsion to tell the truth, avoid deception and manipulating others. Sharing and caring requires positive behaviors that includes no cheating and having a strong moral fidelity to stand by others rather than cheat or sin you way around them. While a sociopath takes others for granted and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, a person living within the world or society, learns to give rather than take or steal, to love and not fake or hate, and to praise and help rather than threaten, ruin someone’s reputation or smear a name. 
Living in the world means you have to think of others and creating an agenda that is beneficial to many rather than only yourself. It means to be considerate and going the extra length to please someone rather than taking advantage of someone you have targeted especially in their time of need or grief. 
Living with the world and not on the world means thinking of others rather than self and giving a damn about their feelings more so than your own. You would experience guilt, pain, regret and other feelings that a sociopaths lacks. Therefore the circumstances are such where you can sincerely say you are sorry when someone loses someone dear to them and mean it rather than simply saying you are sorry for your own loss or opportunity of the event. 
Thus the major difference is in the actions of self and how they affect those around you as you determine how the hurt has affected others rather than your own life. Being part of a social circle or family brings true feelings of regret and other emotions without any emotional discounts, where the fake regret of a situation around him or her affected their own lives or damage to themselves. 
Finally, living within a social circle may bring stability, togetherness, companionship or loving someone and having personal relationships that include elements of trust and keeping promises. Your focus is on being reliable and dependable rather than betraying or failing the others again and again. 
Whenever one lives on the world, one can ill afford to remain in one place too long before exposed and therefore moving around and wandering all over the world is required to find new victims and play their games over and over as such a pattern is likely to exist if you live on the world and not in it.

Demonic Sleepless Nights

Demonic Filled Sleepless Nights

Every person has a master. Every master controls the heart and soul of those vulnerable to disillusioned thoughts and sleepless nights. One could say this is a direct cause of sleep deprivation. Waking up in the middle of the night, I often gasp for air as I believed to be bleeding to death as if attacked by a demonic alien inside my own domain where I never felt safe enough to fight off the feelings of destiny and death on my own.

A choking sensation around my neck, I can feel the abnormal cardiac rhythms beating louder and causing my flesh to turn red as blood pulses heavily, rising to higher pressures preparing me for torture by the devil of vengeance and immorality. Even in my sleep I am vulnerable to his wicked ways as my mind strays into a deep sleep but yet I feel awake. 

My heart can foretell the dangers, my soul collapses with painless sensations as it embraces the darkness around me. For one minute, I am a soulless warrior, looking for the light. My dream has taken me down a path of demonic proportions and my rage comes to a boil as my wrath lashes out to against any resistance of those remaining souls of lost warriors who try to save me in vain.
There are no terminations of my sleepless nightmares. It is a constant pulsating ghastly experience I cannot control. My mind is now in the hands of the devil as he rules the shadows. 

The heathen-like hate burns inside my head; for all practical purposes, I feel like I am dead. Bleeding all over, the blood spills on my hands, pillow and the walls. It is as if Satan himself has called me. 

Somewhere inside my mind there gathers an abnormal mass of festered evil; the kind that bring those with souls to their knees and ask for mercy. For a moment, I see the devil smile as he is pleased with the manner he controlled my mind and will. Metaphorically, the devil drinks my blood as I feel trapped inside this darkness. For a moment, the lightheaded sensation carries me away to another world as I am consumed with sinful thoughts and mystification. 

Standing there, in the darkened underworld, I hear the soulless warriors laughing. Skimming my mind to the last rational thought I gathered, I realize my head is spinning too fast to make any sense out of this confusion. I know my head is hard-wired for logic but my thoughts are wired on the high side and blurring the lines I  could only see if I was mentally awake. 

This sleepless night seems to last forever – my painless nights appear to sooth my soul enough to allow me to walk on the wild side a little bit longer. Inside my head, I wonder how long I can endure this bitter feeling and walk alongside the devil and live a full life knowing I  am a disciple of the devil. 

Credit my heart and faith for fighting this dreadful feeling. The tremors inside me shake my head into a spin that clear the clouds and gives me a clearer vision of who I am and where I am standing. Even while fighting the wickedness, I struggle to maintain a nexus to a reality that this is all but a dream and that I am really sleeping. 

My life is normal, yet the painless sleepless nights bring into a paranormal world where days are nights and nights are days. Even in my sleep, I find the extra time to see how everyone around me dies. Without a doubt, I give a damn about those dying but I feel helpless to do anything about the victims around me. Afraid to act out with kindness because the devil is standing there right beside me, smiling and laughing as thunderous as he can be. 

Naked to the underworld, exposed to the crippled souls around me, I feel the urge to stand up and walk away but my feet are frozen and my head is rolling into a spin that kisses the floor as I fall to a blood dampened marble tile underneath my body. In my ear, I hear unborn and unnamed diseases spread out around me and carried away by the wind. At the same time, the wind whispers in my ear, it’s all a dream. I think I am delusional. 

Somewhere in the distance, I hear the rolling thunder; the roof disappears to expose the sky and stars of the heavens. This makes me wonder if I am really awake or asleep as the surreal death around me is hard to justify if this is indeed real and tainted glory. Soon, I will see the light and the sleepless painless nights will be over. Somewhere deep, my faith restores my trust in the goodness in life and the darkness fades slowly. 

Out of time, my mind and soul will reluctantly be returned to me by the devil, making me wonder if death is really hard to justify even when you try to preserve the ones you love. With the light, the rats, the cockroaches and vampire bats disappear. The night is over. I pinch myself to see if I am real as the sweat rolls off my wet pale flesh and the dried up blood under my fingernails makes me wonder, if the perceived demise of man was real or if it was just vision.