Civic government should be so simple but as usual, simplicity is not simple. There are many others things going on that makes us think there is a fourth branch of government at work, the “in the interest of security and public safety” branch of the government.
The problem with this fourth branch is their relentless lust for power. It has an unquenchable thirst to expand its power and reach that supersedes the governor and legislative branches and is often not kept in check by the judicial branch as they hoodwink or manipulate the laws to protect themselves and prevent exposure and accountability attempt inside a courtroom. Hence the checks and balance of government has been upset and unbalanced.
Hiding behind the legal curtains and maneuvers they have managed to tip the policy-making process of government into a new direction that is simply a process of how they want to do business and not how the government is designed to operate under statutory limitations or transparency laws. Doing what they want to do and keeping it underground allows them to execute under a penumbra of secrecy and clouded accountability.
Under this umbrella of conspired power and abuse, these altered policy-making decisions are designed to fulfill personal vendettas and agendas to suit the needs of those participating. It may include elements of the public safety sector e.g. police and corrections, prosecuting attorneys, judges, legislators and special interest lobbyist. One can only imagine the collective and unparalleled scope of power that exists under such a concept or conspiracy.
Today, it is my firm believe that the state of Arizona is under the influence of this fourth branch of government. I believe under the banner of illegal immigration and border security breaches, there are dynamics in the shadows that justify the means to handle the trigger issues arising around the border today that will eventually result is gross violence and conflicts.
By joining or merging different industrial complexes they has acquired uncontested amount of power through secret deals, political contributions and power relations with those willing to risk it all to get what they want: dominion, domination and control of the state’s populace and the political beat of the drum that suits their own selfish needs. In the end, deaths incurred will be an illusion.
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