The main reason for writing such a letter would be to put the ink to the paper and state or express the author’s position on a particular matter or a range of different subjects listed in the order of preference to the writer. In this case, the order is a significant indicator how the author perceives his interest versus those of his readers and makes it clear that his priority on these matters are clearly written and expressed. Unconsciously, this writer might have opened up a Pandora’s box situation that allows the readers to infer that although he is expressing his thoughts in an open letter format, he is attempting to get his message out there beyond those addressed and interested in his position or take of those matters listed.
Thus an open letter is an attempt to begin or initiate a mass communiqué with others outside the title of the heading on the letter. This is purely for political reasoning and is a passive attempt to attract the support or ideology of others not intended as the target group but rather a support group. This could of course backfire if the message is received by a opposing group that can use these contents of the letters as ammunition to fire back with a message that contradicts or conflicts with those words written in the open letter. Secondary reason for this attempt to begin a wider stroke of the pen to others is to diffuse thoughts of those ready to initiate harmful action against the man or the matter at hand. Thus this conscious awareness of the opposition’s stand on those issues written are more or less a way to express their credibility is valid and he is doing something about it with those steps outlined in his letter.
The open letter can and often used to criticize others points of view or their actions. This is a another way to avoid a slander or libel position and express those views as being false and untruthful comparing his own data versus those he seems as adversary to his position or management style. This opposition of ideology is intended to implant confusion and deflection to these matters put to ink and causes either a sense of dissatisfaction or a level of apathy creating a barrier or hesitation to participate in the controversy giving the author the psychological “high road” to establishing credibility and truth. Regardless of what is printed, the reader must be led away from other points of view in a sense of controlling the message and elevating the messenger to a more convincing level.
Reading many open letters, it may be pure conjecture that their attempt is to implant humor or some sort of simple attempt to announce a publicly endorsed message. For the most part, it is my understanding that an open letter is a high profile attempt to focus a broader sense of attention to the recipient(s) and asking them to follow the message contained within the letter, prompting these readers to take some kind of action. In many cases, this action would consort to some sort of collusion between the author and the readers stabilizing and solidifying his stand on those matters expressed.
My only recommendation to reading open letters is to consider the source and its credibility and purpose for writing such a message to begin with. At times, open letters are often a result of frustration, anger and disruption to the normal manner business is taken care of and those actions requested by the reader are mere attempts to stop these interruptions of conflicting ideas and conform to the one message written to all concerned.
This letter is posted on the website of the Thunder Rolls - it does not reflect the opinion or position of this group. The link is merely an attempt to access the letter referred to in this blog:
Link to letter -
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